

Conference Call Editing/Cleaning

Here is what we do to edit your conference call:

After your conference call is over.  The call is converted into a standard wav format.  Before the new wav format is encoded to be put on the Internet, it is cleaned.   We use industry standard audio editing software to accomplish this part of the process.  Cleaning an average Conference Call takes 3 - 4 times the length of the call: ex. If you would like a 1 hour call cleaned, it will take between 3 and 4 hours.  The cleaning process is normally seamless, as if the person never spoke it, or the noise never happened.

Common items removed from a call include: 



Inappropriate guests during Q & A

Long pauses between speakers

Clicks and Cracks when people hang up or have a bad phone

DTMF Tones - Sounds the keys make on the phone when pressed

Looking for a speaker that has been dropped from the call


We can also clean up a cassette tape recording and send it back to you on an audio CD


Click here for Conference Call Editing Pricing

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are Crystal Clear, & Quick

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